
PURAIN 4" DN100 Pre-Filter with Skimmer and Non-Return Valve

5.30 LBS
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Product Overview

The PURAIN Rainwater filter, also known as the hydraulic jump filter, is the innovation for roof areas ideal for small single-family house, the PURAIN (4”) includes a non-return valve, small animal protection, and skimmer overflow.

This hydraulic jump technology cleans itself automatically. The design model for PURAIN Rainwater filters comes from nature: At almost every course in a stream, you can see how the hydraulic jump functions. The water flows over one of the stones, smooth and rounded by the action of the water over time. The water flow is substantially changed by the height drop, from a sub-critical to a super- critical flow. At the bottom of the dip, the waterflow changes again to a subcritical flow in a process now commonly known as hydraulic jump. This resulting increase in water power is similar to a strong eddy and any impurities are then forced over the next level and washed away downstream. Finally a filter that is low maintenance and self-cleaning!

Dimension Drawing

Best water quality

The PU­RAIN Rain­wa­ter fil­ter pro­vides op­ti­mum water qual­ity in your tank. The rain­wa­ter fil­ter is de­signed to fil­ter rain­wa­ter com­ing off roof­ing made from clay brick, shales, metal, glass or con­crete stone.

Note: Green roofs or bi­tu­men sealed card­board roofs can lead to the water be­com­ing dis­coloured. Sam­ples an­a­lyzed by us con­firm an ex­cel­lent qual­ity of water. The water is best suited for use in flush­ing toi­lets, in the wash­ing ma­chine and for gar­den ir­ri­ga­tion as well as some other com­mer­cial ap­pli­ca­tions.

Using soft rain­wa­ter saves on de­ter­gent costs, pre­vents the cal­ci­fi­ca­tion of pip­ing and ap­pli­ances and is the most nat­ural thing you can give your plants.

The break-proof stainless steel wedge wire filter

The break-proof stainless steel wedge wire filter

The high qual­ity, break-proof, stain­less steel wedge wire sieve, with a gap width of 0.03 in, re­li­ably fil­ters the con­t­a­m­i­nants from the rain­wa­ter. Its trape­zoidal shape and di­ag­o­nally set pro­file pre­vents the dirt from set­tling and clog­ging it. The sturdy sieve is break-proof and is de­signed to last the life of the fil­ter.

The built-in overflow skimmer

The built-in overflow skimmer

The water sur­face in the tank is fur­ther cleaned by means of an over­flow skim­mer in­te­grated into the PU­RAIN Rain­wa­ter fil­ter PR-100. Small float­ing de­bris, such as flower pol­lens, are car­ried away from the water sur­face at every over­flow via the de­signed side pock­ets. From here, the de­bris is di­rectly chan­neled out to waste water drainage.  The ac­tion of the over­flow skim­mer adds a fur­ther clean­ing process to the tank water.

The built-in non-return valve and protection for small animals

The de­sign of PU­RAIN PR-100 fea­tures a non-re­turn valve of stan­dard size, as stip­u­lated by most reg­u­la­tions. This pre­vents the over­flow­ing dirty water from flow­ing back into the sys­tem and also stops small an­i­mals from en­ter­ing the tank.

Self-cleans with 98 % efficiency

Low rainfalls

Low rain­fall events ac­count for over 97 % of total an­nual rain­fall. There­fore, it is par­tic­u­larly im­por­tant that the fil­ter be de­signed to col­lect this light rain­fall. While many fil­ters are not de­signed to col­lect light falls, the rain­wa­ter col­lected in the hy­draulic jump fil­ter tray is then fil­tered and drained into the tank. The tray en­sures that no pre­cious water is lost.

High Rainfalls

High rain­fall events, that occur ap­prox. 4 to 10 times in a year, con­tribute only about 3% to total water yield and are used by the PU­RAIN Rain­wa­ter fil­ter for self-clean­ing. These high rain­falls lead to the for­ma­tion of an eddy in the PU­RAIN rain­wa­ter fil­ter, the so called hy­draulic jump, which spins with such great force that even dirt ac­cu­mu­lated in the tray is flushed and dis­charged with the over­flow.

The PU­RAIN Rain­wa­ter fil­ter cleans it­self dur­ing heavy rain­fall events. It means min­i­mum main­te­nance costs for the user in com­par­i­son to other fil­ter sys­tems.  An over­all rain­wa­ter fil­ter­ing ef­fi­ciency of 98 % is achieved with the unique, self-clean­ing PU­RAIN Rain­wa­ter fil­ter. 
With the hy­draulic jump fil­ter, this water is col­lected in a tray, which is then fil­tered and drained into the tank. The tray en­sures that no pre­cious water is lost. 7.7 lbs of sand-gravel mix­ture was flushed away in just 30 sec­onds dur­ing this trial (see photo) due to the ef­fi­ciency of the hy­draulic jump.


PURAIN rainwater filter for the single-family house

The best place to in­stall the PU­RAIN 100 rain­wa­ter fil­ter is in the tank. Now there is no need for sep­a­rate down­pipe fil­ters or sep­a­rate fil­tra­tion tanks. The PU­RAIN Rain­wa­ter fil­ter it­self can be di­rectly used as an over­flow and all roof­ing down­pipes can be con­nected to one sin­gle fil­ter. A lot of tank man­u­fac­tur­ers and deal­ers are al­ready pro­vid­ing PU­RAIN 100 rain­wa­ter fil­ters built-into their tanks. This makes in­stal­la­tion of your Rain­wa­ter sys­tem quick, easy and as per the man­u­fac­tur­ers rec­om­men­da­tions. Due to its low height off­set and its size the PU­RAIN 100 rain­wa­ter fil­ter can be retro­fit­ted eas­ily into most tanks. To fol­low are a few ex­am­ples of the PU­RAIN 100 rain­wa­ter fil­ter in­te­grated into var­i­ous tanks:  

PURAIN 100 in concrete or plastic tank

PURAIN Rainwater filter PR-100 in plastic tank for single family dwelling

PURAIN 100 in retention tank

1. floating throttle
2. retention volume
3. useful volume

PURAIN 100 in a indoor tank

PURAIN Rainwater filter PR-100 in concrete tank for single family dwelling

PURAIN 100 in aboveground tank

PURAIN Rainwater filter PR-100 in concrete tank for single family dwelling
1. The minimum height differential between the lowest lying gutter an the installed filter height must be 250 mm
2. Handy inspection T piece (must be watertight)!
3. If multiple tanks are used they are balanced with a 1” hose or pipe 200 mm off the bottom and then fill as one, PURAIN filter and discharge overflow must be mounted in the first tank


Where can I in­stall the PU­RAIN rain­wa­ter fil­ter?

The IN­TEWA PU­RAIN fil­ters can be eas­ily installed in most stan­dard tanks of plas­tic, con­crete, in­door and out­door con­struc­tion. Many dis­trib­u­tors de­liver your stor­age tank al­ready fit­ted with a PU­RAIN fil­ter. The PU­RAIN Fil­ter is also suit­able for in­stal­la­tion out­side the tank if re­quired. HD Fil­ters are de­signed for di­rect sub­sur­face in­stal­la­tion. While in­stalling the PU­RAIN fil­ter, make sure that a lower height off­set is pre­sent be­tween the in­flow and the out­flow.

Is there a fil­ter with­out height off­set be­tween in­flow and out­flow?

The PU­RAIN rain­wa­ter fil­ter works with the min­i­mum pos­si­ble height off­set be­tween the in­flow and out­flow. A height off­set is a pre­req­ui­site for a self-clean­ing fil­ter in order to en­sure proper op­er­a­tion. Since 1993, IN­TEWA has ac­cu­mu­lated a lot of ex­pe­ri­ence test­ing dif­fer­ent types of self-clean­ing fil­ters – none of which, func­tion with a high de­gree of ef­fi­ciency. Al­ter­na­tively, only a col­lec­tion fil­ter may be used in place of a hy­draulic jump, how­ever they have to be cleaned reg­u­larly and do not guar­an­tee the best qual­ity water fil­ter­ing.  

Is the rain­wa­ter fil­tered by PU­RAIN well suited for wash­ing ma­chines?

The water fil­tered by the hy­draulic jump fil­ter is per­fectly suited for use in toi­lets, wash­ing ma­chines etc. It should be noted that the qual­ity of water also de­pends on the stor­age of the rain­wa­ter. Fac­tors, such as tem­per­a­ture of the stor­age tank, in­flow calmer, over­flow skim­mer,  size of tank, etc. are crit­i­cal for an op­ti­mum qual­ity of water.

Does self clean­ing = main­te­nance free?

The PU­RAIN-fil­ter is ex­tremely low main­te­nance. Dirt and leaves in the sed­i­men­ta­tion cham­ber do not need to be re­moved be­cause they will be flushed away with the next heavy rain­fall. If the sieve does be­come clogged, it is eas­ily cleaned through the tank lid with a high pres­sure cleaner. Al­ter­na­tively, in rare cases, the sieve can be re­moved for clean­ing. Should a fil­ter be mounted in a hard to ac­cess place, it can also be cleaned via the in­stal­la­tion  of a back­flush­ing noz­zle. This is avail­able as a PU­RAIN ac­ces­sory. We rec­om­mend that you check your fil­ter about sieve twice a year.

How is the ef­fi­ciency in other con­di­tions of rain?

The over­all ef­fi­ciency of the PU­RAIN rain water fil­ter is rated at 98 %. Hereby, the small to medium rain­falls are col­lected 100 %, but the heavy rains (which ac­count for only about 3 % of an­nual rain­fall yield), are uti­lized for the self-clean­ing func­tion of the hy­draulic jump fil­ter. Even in areas which ex­pe­ri­ence more heavy rain­falls the ef­fi­ciency of the PU­RAIN fil­ter is well over 95 %.

How do I in­stall the non-re­turn valve and over­flow skim­mer used with the big­ger PU­RAIN rain­wa­ter fil­ters?

The non-re­turn valve and over­flow skim­mer, made from moulded parts, are sep­a­rately in­stalled in the tank.